
Our Vision

The Thunder Bay Metal Fabricators Association (TBMFA) is the 2nd phase of the original Thunder Bay Oil Sands Consortium (TBOSC) was formed in 2007 when over 20 highly skilled metal trade companies located in Thunder Bay, Ontario joined forces to market their services to Western Canada. Now the TBMFA is a Non for profit association built on the original concept and incorporating what was learned in phase 1. The TBMFA is headed up by leading companies in each metal fabrication discipline; Pipe & module fabrication, Structural Steel, Machine Shop Services, HVAC, Specialty metals and fabrications. Associate members of over 40 individual Thunder Bay fabricators, suppliers and engineering firms round off a full compliment of heavy industrial services.

The TBMFA represents over 800 highly skilled, knowledgeable, safe and productive trades people. Together, we have more than 100,000 square feet of fully equipped state-of-the-art shops and facilities.

Working cooperatively is second nature to the recognized and respected companies that make up the TBMFA. Some of our companies have been doing business for as many as two generations. With vast experience in heavy industrial construction, our companies exceed the qualifications and safety requirements to successfully complete the most complex projects.

The overall Goal of the Association is to provide support to Thunder Bay companies to leverage new business through identifying new clients and opportunities in Western Canada

The TBMFA is committed to customer satisfaction by delivering the highest quality services to fulfill all your industry needs. Please contact the TBMFA or any of its member companies for information.


John Jurcik
Thunder Bay Metal Fabricators Association (TBMFA)